Being Great is Easier Than Being Good

There is a saying by Sayydina Al-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani, he said: To be a great man,easier than being a good man.Why! Because when you start your life, you will struggle to become good, and when you became good, built up the foundation, and as long as that foundation is strong, you can build how many floors! No matter, it’s great! But if you are not, you cannot be great. If you are not been to primary school, you will not go to secondary school.The foundation of the schools, the school of houses, the best two teachers for children are a parent, because they are looking to them. يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ بِكُمُ الْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ الْعُسْرَAllah ﷻ wants the ease for you, and He does not want difficulties for you. So it is up to us. Being obedient to Allah ﷻ is not something simple, because people look to the sins, and as long as they look to the sins as small and big, that will open the door for Al-Shaitan (Devil) and Weswas (obsession) to enter, this one is small, this one there is Tawba (Repentant) for it, do not worry, Ramadan is coming, you go to hajj and Allah ﷻ will clear it, so these things are Weswas Al-Shaitan.أطِيعُوا اللَّهَBeing obedient to Allah ﷻ, it is a challenging part! which all the Sheikhs always started their advice by saying: be aware of being disobedient to Allah ﷻ, do not belittle any small sins. Because committing a sin is one thing, but committing sins against the Creator, the One who created you, the One who blessed you, the One who gave you everything, the One when you are in difficulties, you have no one to ask but only Him ﷻ. May Allah ﷻ grant us to be among them InshaAllah.#sheikhafeef

Posted by ‎Shaykh Afeefuddin Al-Jailani الداعية الشيخ السيد عفيف الدين الجيلاني‎ on Friday, September 13, 2019

Being Great is Easier Than Being Good

There is a saying by SayydinaAl-Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani, he said: To be a great man,easier than being a good man. Why! Because when you start your life, you will…

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Teachings from the book The Sublime Revelation with Sheikh Afeefuddin al Jailani

Posted by ‎Shaykh Afeefuddin Al-Jailani الداعية الشيخ السيد عفيف الدين الجيلاني‎ on Saturday, 12 October 2019

Teachings from the book The Sublime Revelation – Singapore

Continue ReadingTeachings from the book The Sublime Revelation – Singapore