The rules of Tariqah Al Qadiriyyah Al Jailaniyyah

By Shaikh Al Sayyid Afifuddin bin Al Sayyid Abdul Qadir bin Mansuruddin Al Jailani Al Qadiri Al Baghdadi (May Allah be pleased with him)

From the counsel of Al– Imam Al– Rabbani Asy Shaikh Abdul Qadir Al- Jailani (may Allah bless his honoured soul)

من وصايا سيدنا الإمام الرباني في الدين عبد القادر الجيلاني قدس الله سره

لشيخقال عبد القادر الجيلاني: “طر إلى الحق بج ج ناحي الكتاب والسنة، ادخ عليه ويدكل في يد الرسول

Asy Shaikh Abdul Qadir Al- Jailani (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Fly unto The Real, The Exalted and Sublime, upon the two wings of the Quran and Sunnah, and draw close to Him hand in hand (closely associated and connected) with the Messenger (peace be upon him and his family).

اللهم أشغل ججوارجحنا بطج ج اعتك، وق لوبجنا بمعرفت ج ح ك، وأشغلنا طول ياتنا في ليل نا، نا ونهار وألحقنا بالذين تقدموا من الصالحين، وارزقنا ما رزقتجهم، وكن ج م. ممين

O Allah! Employ our limbs and organs in Your obedient service, and our hearts in Your intimate knowledge. Employ us throughout our lives, by night and by day. Join us with our predecessors among the righteous. Provide us with sustenance as You provided them with sustenance and be for us as You were for them. Ameen.

جعلجي جك بالت قجو ج ى، علجي جك بدود الشرع جوالم جخالججفة لن ل فس جوالهججو ج ى والشيطجان جوأجق جران السوء.


You must observe your religious duties. You must observe the rules of the sacred law, and practice opposition to the self, the passions, the devil, and bad companions.

بِ ْسِم هِ اللَّ ه الر ْحَْ ِن ه الرِحْيِم

You must observe your religious duties. You must observe the rules of the sacred law, and practice opposition to the self, the passions, the devil, and bad companions.